Had 14 of 16 beers (had tried Flying Dog Kujo before, and another appears to have passed me by). Tasting notes are somewhat lacking, and probably quite inaccurate. Needless to say, I got 14 ticks last night, for more details see North Bar's website.
97: North Pale Ale, Rooster's, 4%
98: Pilsner, Lindeboom, 5%
99: General Sherman, Thornbridge/North Bar, 8.3%
100: Wildeman Farmhouse IPA, Flying Dog Brewery, 7.5%
Similar to Saison Dupont, but more punchy and vibrant. Banana, refreshing, sparkling, delicious.
101: Little Jim (aged), Marble, 6.9%
My first beer from Marble, a lovely smooth, toffee, really tasty yummy beer.
Really really yum.
103: Milk Stout, Odell, abv unknown
104: Beer Geek Breakfast, Mikkeller, 7.5%
105: Kolsch, Gaffel, 4.8%
A couple still for me to mull over:
106: Oak Aged Sunturnbrew, Nøgne Ø, 11%
An incredibly dark beer. Too intense for me. To my taste, it reminded me of burnt rubber, which I think was the oak. Definitely a thinker!
107: Gueuze, Cantillon, 5%
The sourest beer I've ever had. I'm not a big fan of sour, be it in drinks or sweets. Interesting to experience, but not for me.
All in all, a success, and as ever a treat to visit North. Certainly a learning curve for a newbie! Happy Birthday North Bar! When you turn 20, I might have to spread the joy over 2 days...
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